5 Beginner Tips for Sand Land

5 Beginner Tips for Sand Land

Fri. 26 April 2024 - 14:45

Sand Land might start slow and fairly simple, however, there are a lot of options and tricks you can find and use in the game. As you go on and explore more vehicles, you will eventually need to have the right tactics and skills for every situation. 

Since the game eventually gets more challenging, you will need to learn these tricks early on to adapt to the future.

You will be glad to have these skills under your sleeves. These skills will help you survive any encounter as you explore the vast world of Sand Land. 

5 Best Sand Land Tips for Beginners


Let’s take a look at some of the tips beginners can use to take their Sand Land gameplay experience to the next level. 

  1. Get Resources from Trees and Cacti

In Sand Land’s climate, you will see plenty of dry trees and cactus. The game does not tell this to you right away but you can use them to extract minerals that you can use later on. 

The sooner you start using them, the better it is for you. You can extract these vital resources with the help of punches or a burst of gunfire from your vehicle. These resources are mapped with green dots so make sure to don’t miss out! 

  1. Target Enemy Vehicles for the Best Loot 


You don’t need to hunt down every vehicle to get the best rewards. But always make sure to hunt down the enemy troops if you pass by a bandit camp or an army patrol, make sure to blast their tanks and collect the resources. 

These vehicles drop off advanced materials that are more valuable compared to wildlife and humans. Moreover, they also drop off intact parts of the vehicle that you can use in your ride. 

  1. Swap Vehicles Instantly 

In this game, if you ever need to swap vehicles, there’s a shortcut that you can use instead of dismounting from your current ride. All you need to do is select the new vehicle using the shortcut and you will find yourself in the driver’s seat instantly. 

It is important to note that the swap may take a second or two which may cause your current vehicle to take some damage. However, it is going to be worth it since you will have access to better weapons and vehicles. 

  1. Refine the Collected Materials

When you collect enemy loot, they are collected as raw material that needs to be refined. While these are a great addition, they need to be refined and combined at the craftsman’s shop. 

The first craftsman in the game you will meet is Junker Camp. Many of these raw materials are used in multiple recipes so make sure to check out the garage for any update options. 

  1. Tanks are Prone to Fall Damage 


The main character Beelzebub can fall from any height without taking any damage. Some vehicles such as motorbikes and jump-bots are also prone to any fall damage with only tanks as an exception. 

If you drive off a ledge in a tank either by accident or when taking a shortcut, the vehicle will take significant damage on fall. To avoid this, it is important to dismount or switch to the jump-bot. 

Buy Sand Land Online with ZGames


If you are a gaming enthusiast who is looking to get their hands on Sand Land in Saudi Arabia, then ZGames is an ideal option for you. At our online store, you can easily purchase Sand Land at the best possible price. 

At ZGames, we have a range of top-quality games available that you can get directly to your doorstep. You can buy Sand Land along with other exciting games on our online store. So what are you waiting for? Place an order now!